Tuesday, October 6, 2009

offspring birth celebrations :)

Feeling kinda off today, its a tuesday, usually mondays make me feel off. Its really cold and rainy and just gray outside, that is messing with my mood. Feeling kinda bored, and not sure what to do, plenty to do, none of it very appealing though. Good day to read, but i've already spent a good chuck of the day doing that. I'm reading Breaking Dawn (the Twilight series, final book) for the 3rd time. I maybe my favorite, that or the first, I just love Bella and Edwards love, makes me happy :) Timothy says love isnt like that, my boyfriend the romantic, i am however a hopeless romantic and wont give up the hope that true love like Edward and Bellas exists, well not exactly like the two of them. So, got plenty of reading in, fed myself lots of tasty vegan things today, all going well w/ my exploration into veganism. Got my yoga in this a.m. after I took ty to school. That is two days in a row!! I"m aiming for the whole week, but that means getting up early tomorrow, because i like to do yoga in the a.m., and i'm going with Tyler on his preschool fieldtrip to the Firestation! He's so excited. However he was not so excited today when they did a fire drill at school, he has a problem with noises. He survived though. I do know that excercise and eating right go hand in hand especially if i wann loose some weight and be health me, so here i go.
Lots I could be doing housework galore, but thought i'd work on my extremely behind blogging. Not ready to tackle that Hawaii blog yet, though it will probably be easier than i think , just tons of picture to upload. Thought i was suppose to work today and Timothy said i didnt have to go in, no arguing from me!! So i guess it threw me off, not sure what to do with all this free time, ha! I went back to working at the pizza place for those of you who didnt know. Sunday (grrr, no one should work on sunday, its lazy day) MOnday ( i hate mondays, definitly dont wanna work on mondays), and tuesday, ok i guess i can work tuesdays, ha! I"m so lazy, its not even a hard job. Sucks to get home by 10, or 11 and then get up to get kids to school though, and not alot of house work gets done on the days i work, plus kids here with jordan so more messes they leave. But this week not too bad, because i got out of work all threee days this week. We went to the Apple Festival in Niles on Sunday, and so we didnt go to work. Monday Timothy decided he wasnt up for working either and we went and played some black light glof :) I have pictures from both days, but i'll have to include those later, i'm feeling too lazy to upload pics :0) Purple has been my favorite color for a very long time, and still is but i've been feeling very orange lately! maybe its the changing of the leaves ;) i love fall :)

So both of my adorable childrens had birthdays this summer. First my little man turned 3 in June. Then the day we flew back from visiting mom in Hawaii, Lily turned 10! hard to believe!!! We celebrated before and after her birthday, with mom and some friends lily made in Hawaii and then with friends/family here in The Bend. Have some great photos to share with you all from all the events ;)

So tylers favorite color is Brown (because he's brown, is what he'll say if you ask him why) so thoug
ht i'd go with it ;)
Tyler loves balloons!! come on what kid doesn't. We've done this the past two years. blown up a ton of balloons while he's asleep so he can see them all when he wakes. I enlisted the girls to help with the blowing, it always sounds like a great idea until its 11 pm and i'm tired and there are 100 balloons to blow up! He loved it, cant ya tell, and apparently slept in his underwear. ah to be young and carefree. i think john and i spent half our childhood, naked, and in the front yard!

On Ty's birthday we went to the Summer Fest at Merrifield Park, since its just across the river we have to go, we can hear the elephant ears calling us! Tyler wanted a giant corndog, what is it with kids and corndogs, the kids ate like 2 each today. ok , ok, i know they are tasty.

Nadja excited about anything potato related, we made her go order them herself, not too happy about that, our shy one. but finally she gave in, come on potatoes were involved. lily says nadja will move to boise when she grows up.

Timothy wanted a snow cone i told him that was not a hawaiian shaved ice one and that i was holding out till we found the right ones, but he got one and boy was he disapointed, nothing beats hawaiian shaved ice! tyler didnt mind, sugar.!

I myself indulged in tons of greasy fair food! Tyler enjoying one of my super big onion rings. I also got some tasty fried green tomatos! i love that movie too!

The kids got some face paint. The lady actually convinced tyler to get a snake on his arm. surprised he went for it.

The next day we had a party at the house for our little man :) tons of friends came to hang out it was a great day.
Taegen being tickled by her big sis Savannah. Taegen is the daughter of my BFF from way back in the day, Brook. We sure were unseperatable, until her dad had to move them all the way down to Lapaz! Luckily she now lives just on the other side of the park from me. Still dont get to see eachother enough. So glad that her and her youngest sis, Jess w/ her daughter Cadence, were able to come :) Their dad came too. Felt good to see such old friends, they are like family to me!

A picture of Bev holding Lola, Kristy's youngest she sure is getting big, she'll be a year right before Christmas, hard to believe that time has gone by so fast :)

Bo and his friend Anna JM trying to wiggle out of my hug ;)

opening presents :)

JM fishing in the swiming pool :)

A pic of my 3 brothers, Brian, JM, and John, and one w/ me and the boys :)

My friends saying on the other side of the fence from the kids splashing in the kiddy pool. Cadence wasnt afraid to get in, Sara's baby Miles wasnt so sure, this pic is like two seconds before tim put his toes in the cold water and he started crying.

Dad and 2 of his 3 sons :) Someone bought really messy cookies, good thing the kids were already outside and half naked :) Taegen loved them :) Moments later she was covered it blue frosting!

Tyler hiding in the pool with a Supersoaker. The girls had a blast with the water guns. Pat and Jess got them, I did approve these toys :) As long as the kids only got eachother, i didnt care, and they stay OUTSIDE

JM checking out the bulldoser that they brought for Ty ;) The girls shooting inocent bystanders from Lily's bedroom window!

K testing out her Ladderball skills! Becca and Brian got me a Ladderball game :) They are the best, how thoughtful of them to get me something to celebrate the day I birthed my little man! I love this game, i first played it with My dear friend Angela at her apt. in Chicago, we played in the parking lot behind her building, and I was so bad at it, but i love it!!! Ang, you always know the funnest games! You and Kasia, i'd be so bored with out you too, game wise :) Tyler is very very afraid of fire, and of noises, this is him while we sang to him and lit candles, he wanted nothing to do with it, he did however cheer up when we got him a slice of cake :)

Becca and Brian got Tyler a fishing pole for his birthday, which was a great idea b/c he kept talking about going fishing on B's boat! Everyone loved the gift! I have to admit it was fun, this picture is of Bo Jordan and their friends trying to get Tylers fish that is on the end of the pole out of the tree, because Nadja got it suck in the tree! Finally they did, but later Bo was playing with it, and the fish came flying off, we still have the pole but it now has a round magnet on the end for weight. All the kids will be getting fishing poles for christmas!!

I took pictures of Tyler with all the gifts that people got him so we could remember :0) and thank them for what we got them :) Kristy, Chris, Lucas, and Lola got him some goo and scissors and a spinny painting thing, i cant remember what those are called but we had one when we were younger and it was awesome! Tyler loved to cut the goo w/ the scissors, until he cut his shirt and i had to hide the scissors! Fun stuff from Brook and kids included a foam bat and ball, & bubbles with a gun and holster! which are always a winner !

Loot from Bex and Brian included the famous fishing pole, i think its diego? and a bag of little goodies, those parachute men were mean, you had to tie the chutes to them before you could use them, but i love those. Check out those cute little slippers!! And i had to include that monster bag! so cute!

My middle brother Brian got Tyler this Batman toy, I had to ask the kids who it came from b/c i wasnt there when he gave it to him, cool toy!

Sara, Vanessa, Aubrey and Miles got tyler a Diego submarine, Tyler loves Diego! And here is ty impatiently modeling the supersoakers Jess Pat and Cadence got him ;)

This steering wheel toy, that makes noise is from Bo's 'friend' Anna, she said she wanted to make sure that she gave tyler the most annoying/noisy toy. It makes alot of noise, but its not the most annoying toy, its definitly not as annoying as she is...yep i said it.

Dad got Ty this cool bulldoser and all these balls! they are all over my livingroom floor at the moment.

Tylers fav. Aunt and Uncle, J&K got him this cool pair of shades and this giant bouncy ball, which is so appropriate b/c everytime we go to visit them tyler dumps out Kasia's massive collection of bouncy balls :) Timothy and I got Tyler a goldfish, Ty named him Tonk, sadly he didnt last too long, i'm thinking less than a month :( think we may have over fed the little guy.

I also found this awesome little golf set at Meijer-i love meijer :) Our little golfer loved it but was getting impatient with me and all my pictures. I took like 5 pictures of him with his golf set, and all of them had this silly face, i couldnt get him to make anyother faces, my silly little guy.

Tyler playing with the plug and play we got last Christmas? maybe the one before for the kids, They are so fun they have Pac Man, and Mappy and stuff like that on them :)

After Tylers birthday I felt so extremely happy to have so many people that love me and my kids that could come and celebrate with us! So good to see everyone and spend time together, those are the best days! Love you all!!! xo


So we were in Hawaii for Lily's 10th b-day. Mike had gotten plane tickets and didnt realize he had us flying back on Lily's b-day, it was several hundred dollars to change the flight, so we celebrated before her b-day in Hawaii, and the weekend after we got back with friends and family here ;) Think she made out pretty good, with two party's and a Hawaiian b-day, we spent her 5th b-day in Poland, her 10th in Hawaii, i guess i better start planning for her 15th! she'll be expecting somethign big, hmmmm, maybe chuck e cheese! ha! I decided to inclued pics from both her parties in this blog b/c i know the Hawaii one will be long enough ;)

Hawaii celebration

Tyler helped me bake cupcakes for lily's party, he likes to stir so he can lick the spoon afterwards! Lily and Alexis filling up waterballoons, i got impatient with the girls, i had to tie the balloons for them but they were getting me pretty wet. It was near the end of our two week stay and it was hot, i had other things to do to get her party ready, and they were trying my patience. and i sure dont have much of that.

Lily met Alexis only like 4 - 5 days before we left she was visiting her grandparents who lived a couple doors down, Lily and her spent alot of time together those last couple days. The girls frosted the cupcakes me and ty made. Lily loves to decorate cupcakes, she wants to be a pastry chef when she grows up :)

The girls' handy work ;) Mom me and ty decorated the Lani (spelling?) which is what the Hawaiians call their porch, for lily's festivities. They have a huge enclosed Lani, its great :)

My mom bought Lily this Dr. Suess Birthday Hat when we ate at Farrells at the mall, isnt it fun :)

Mom let Lily pic the menu for her b-day celebration dinner. It was not her birthday in Hawaii, but we did wait till 8 pm to start the party, so it was after midnight at home, so technically her b-day day ; ) Lily decided on steak of coarse, with mashed potatoes and gravy and corn :) Very tasty mom went all out w/ some cuts :)

This huge insane, beautiful, plant? tree? was in mom's back yard, i had to get a pic w/ the kids by it! It was so pretty!

Ty hugging Nan's (that is what they call my ma) palm tree in her back yard good bye, we had liy's party the day before we flew back home after our two week trip :) The trees look kind weird on the bottom.

Mom and I went to the Swapmeet at the Aloha Bowl one day with out lily and picked up some really awesome things fro her, a new purse, backpack, luggage, and lots of fun little trinkets! She was super excited about this box of shells and a little turtle. She has discovered a love for turtles, she like them before but after seeing the giant ones on the North Shore, it was increased :)

we got ty a little something for him to open too, so he wouldnt be to jealous at lily's party ;) A giant pencil-i use to think that was the coolest thing when i was younger, the kids were impressed :)

Lily, Alexis, and Krista who lived at the end of the street waiting on cupcakes. I'm glad Lily met some friends so the trip was more fun for her, but also glad it was at the end of the trip so she wasnt trying to spend the whole trip with them. They spent alot of time swimming, mom and i liked to swim but not as much as Lily.

Mom got lily a traditional flower lei, they had them for sale at the grociery store, pretty neat! We forgot to give it to her during the celebration, so she wore it to the airport when we left the next day :) Smelled pretty

Home celebration!

We had a great two weeks in Hawaii and it was sooo great to spend so much time with mom, but home is home, and we were excited to be back home. ONe of the first things lily did was call her BFF Lyndsie and see if she could stay over the night before her b-day party :) The girls made cupcakes, Lily loves cupcakes, with no frosting, but loves to frost them :) Here is Ty again licking frosting....

We got all kinds of frosting, sprinkles and decorations the kids had a great messy time decorating :)

The mess on Ty's face real, the mess on the girls faces, dramatized :)

We went to the dollar store for decorations for the party, and they had luau theme, so since we already had necklaces and beads we went w/ it ;) Party time, Becca playing Ty's ukelele for Brian. Mom got it for Ty, we had so much stuff to bring back we barely fit it all in our suitcases :) ty opening John's gift we got him in Hawaii for him :)

WE got lily a pinata, she really wanted one, the kids dove for the candy!

my mermaid friend Rebecca got lily a mermaid barbie, how appriopriate.
Kasia, Ewa, Dad, John and i played some Scrabble while the kids ran around, it was a nice relaxing sunday ;)

couldnt pass up a chance to get a pic of kasia with a book, we used that dictionary alot, lots of challenging :) Kasia and Ewa looking fabulous!

Dad was the Scrabble champion. Him and mom use to play all the time when we were growing up, he's had much more practice then us!

John, Kasia, Ewa, Lily and Ty oh so helpful, played some rock band, i stayed away, i am no good.

Here are some great ones i got from Kasia i wanted to include :)

DAd and John were excited Tim had brought home left over pizza ;)

Me and Tyler, wow i'm looking overly hawaiianified!

a fun scrabble shot

Lily and dad, funny to see dad with such little hair on his head and face, growing up he always had full beard and mustache :)

This was right before John took over score taking b/c my math just doesnt add up.

I love this shot of Ty w/ us girls!


John and Kasia are the best Aunt and Uncle ever! They took Lily to The Melting Pot in Indy for her b-day. She spent the weekend with them in FW.
It was a special trip just for her, they played lots of video games :) It was the first trip she got to take alone to seee J&K. She had a great time :) J&K you are the best :)

Yum, i love the Melting Pot, they have the best stuff!!

MMMMMM melted cheese....we had the beer one i think, when we went, so good.

John just doesnt like to make normal faces for the camera....

Cant believe my baby is 10 now. she is getting so grown up!

mmmmmmmm chocolate.

i'm so jealous!

ok well that is it, birthday blog down....but mine is just a little over a month away!!! Can't wait! I will be 30 :) When i was younger 30 seemed ancient, now it doesnt seem like its so old, i dont feel like 30...he, he.

Ok, next blog......Hawaii! Hope to get started on it soon!!!

I love you all my friends :)

Would love to mention that I got a couple of really long e-mails from good friends this week, and they just made my day! I love long e-mails from loved ones :)


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